Prayer Request

Let us pray with and for you. Below is a form where you can communicate with us your request for prayer. Before you reach out to us for prayer, here is a short outline to guide your mind and heart in a biblical approach to prayer.

Jesus provides five areas of focus for his disciples to pray in Luke 11:1-4:

  1. That God’s name be honored – the focus on his everlasting glory (“Father, hallowed be your name”)

  2. That God’s kingdom come – the focus on his eternal will (“your kingdom come”)

  3. That God’s provision is given – the focus on our present (“Give us each day our daily bread.”)

  4. That God’s forgiveness is granted – the focus on our past (Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.)

  5. That God’s deliverance will be provided – the focus on our future.

The Bible lists at least nine main types of prayer:

  1. prayer of faith (James 5:15),

  2. prayer of agreement (also known as corporate prayer) (Acts 2:42),

  3. prayer of request (also known as petition or supplication) (Philippians 4:6),

  4. prayer of thanksgiving (Psalm 95:2-3),

  5. prayer of worship (Acts 13:2-3),

  6. prayer of consecration (also known as dedication) (Matthew 26:39),

  7. prayer of intercession (1 Timothy 2:1),  

  8. prayer of imprecation (Psalms 69),

  9. praying in the Spirit (1 Corinthians 14:14-15).[Summary from Joe Carter at TGC.]

Q- What is prayer?

A- The Westminster Larger Catechism notes, “Prayer is an offering up of our desires unto God, in the name of Christ, by the help of his Spirit; with confession of our sins, and thankful acknowledgment of his mercies.”

May these truths guide your mind, heart, will and affections in Christ-centered prayer.

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